Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

I really don't think there is a person on this planet has not suffered from those dreaded clogged pores, or black heads that tend to pop up on your nose. From time to time we all need a deep cleansing product that will extract impurities from the skin. At this stage in my life, I am dealing with a younger skin that is very prone to blackheads and acne. It is very important to me to keep those stubborn blackheads and clogged pores at bay. I always find myself reaching for this product when I start to feel that there is a buildup of dirt and oil on my nose. I have use this product for probably 3-4 years, and it still to this day seems to do the trick for me. For those of you who are not familiar with this type of product, it is simply a white strip (wide enough to cover your nose) that comes with a clear plastic backing. Each strip is individually wrapped. You apply the strip to a clean nose that is moderately damp. You leave the strip on until it feels that it is dry, or up to 15 minutes. After this time the strip is pealed away, and all of the impurities that were on your nose are not stuck to the strip. The strip is then disposed of. As a word of caution, the very first time that I tired this product I left the strip on past the 15 minute mark and wound up with a "Rudolph" nose! :) So I would that say that this product is very deep cleansing. If you experience any discomfort with this product, other than the sensation of it being removed, then I would discontinue use. Your skin may be to sensitive for the product. You could also try leaving it on for a less amount of time. I really love this product, and will continue to purchase it in the future. I can see a big difference in how clean and fresh my nose appears after one use of this product. I think that directions instruct you to only use this product once every three days.

Here is what has to say about how their product works, a few cautions, as well as some interesting facts that I didn't even know until visiting their site:

How it Works

  • Bioré® Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, with selective bonding ingredients, work like a magnet by instantly locking onto and removing deep-down dirt that can cause blackheads so you get the deepest clean.
  • When used weekly, you will have fewer clogged pores and the appearance of pores will actually diminish.
  • It may be disgusting...but it's also oddly satisfying. And in just 10 minutes it cleans a week's worth of dirt buildup.

How to Use

  1. Remove strip from pouch. Twist strip to loosen and separate slits prior to use.
  2. After washing your face, thoroughly wet your nose. The strip won't stick on a dry nose.
  3. Dry hands. Peel strip off plastic liner. Apply to nose area, smooth side down, pressing down to ensure good contact with skin.
  4. Let dry for about 10-15 minutes until stiff to the touch — like papier-mâché.
  5. Slowly and carefully peel off starting at edges, pulling toward center.
For best results, do not use more often than once every three days.


  1. Use only on the nose.
  2. Avoid using on acne blemishes or swollen, sunburned, excessively dry skin, or skin prone to spider veins.
  3. Consult a physician before using on skin being treated with prescription acne medication.
  4. Avoid using on skin which is sensitive to bandages or peel-off face masks.
  5. Remove strip as directed promptly after it becomes stiff. If strip is difficult or painful to remove, wet strip thoroughly until it slides off easily. Forceful removal of the strip should be avoided and may cause skin abrasions. If this occurs, discontinue use and consult a physician.
  6. Do not use more often than once every three days.

This product can be purchased at many leading drugstores in the US, as well as many places online such as (for $8.59), (for $8.47), and (for $7.99). You can go to, to learn more about the Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, and all of their other products. I would also like to mention that deep cleansing pore strips are also available in many generic brands, but I have always found Bioré strips to be the most dependable and high quality.  If there are any further questions you may have about this product please leave them below, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Even if you don't have any questions, please leave me a comment. Let me know about your experience with this product, did you like it or hate it? Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review. I know it's been a while since I've written a review, I just took a little break to get re-inspired and now am back in full force. Thanks so much!!!

Have a fabulous day,